Acupuncture Now Available
Traditional Chinese Medicine and what it can do for you!
Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) has been developed over five thousand years treating basic ailments such as colds and flus through to more complex conditions such as hormonal imbalances (including PMS, menopause and fertility issues).
With the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and massage, T.C.M. practitioners can also assist with improving the immune system, digestive problems, aches and pains (chronic or acute), stress and even facial rejuvenation.
TCM is also an excellent form of preventative healthcare. It has been believed in China for centuries (and now scientifically proven) that energy (Qi) flows within our bodies.
The ancients believed that whenever the energy was blocked, whether it be physically, intellectually, emotionally or spiritually, it would cause disease in the body.
By feeling the pulse and looking at the tongue, the skilled Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner can diagnose which channels of energy are not flowing correctly.
With acupuncture (the art of placing needles along the channels of energy in the body), Chinese herbs, massage, dietary and lifestyle changes the body’s Qi can return to normal and hence, good health.
TCM is an ancient wisdom and practice which is excellent for our modern and complex lives
Originating in China thousands of years ago, acupuncture is now widely used throughout most of the world and is formally recognized by the World Health Organisation.
An acupuncture treatment involves placing superfine needles into specific points (acupoints) along the channels or meridians of Qi in the body. All needles used are sterile and disposable.
Moxibustion is a smoldering herb which can be applied to the needles or directly to the acupoints and is another gentle and relaxing way to stimulate the body’s Qi.
Cupping is where suction cups are applied to the soft tissue areas of the body such as the back, shoulder, arms and legs and is particularly useful for muscle pain and tension.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
As with acupuncture, Chinese herbs are prescribed to suit the individual and not the complaint and are also an excellent form of preventative medicine.
With the rise of Chinese herbal use in the West, extensive scientific and clinically research is constantly conducted to ensure their safety and eicacy.
Chinese herbal medicines are now available in easy to take granules, capsules, pills and tablets to assist in compliancy.
Herbs can consist of plant leaves, seeds, roots, bark, flowers and some minerals. There are strict guidelines concerning endangered species.
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
This is another ancient skill being re-discovered. With acupuncture and Chinese herbs it is possible to restore the body’s health, and when you feel good, it shows.
Through special techniques the Qi is encouraged to the face and can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as improve skin tone and texture giving a healthy and fresher look.
Evidence suggests using acupuncture can encourage collagen production
Acupuncture is suitable for a range of things including; Aches and Pains, Hormonal Imbalances, IVF Support, Immune System, Digestive System, Stress and Anxiety, Facial Rejuvenation, Relaxation Health and Vitality, Cupping, Work Cover
Achieve Your Optimum Health