Chiropractor Ballina
Get Your Full Spinal Examination, Digital Postural Assessment, Balance & Neurological Check and Detailed Report of Finding today!
Discover Chiropractic Centre Ballina
Margaret and Chen have been dedicated to the health and well-being of the communities of the Northern Rivers for over 22 years.
During this time they have seen their own family grow, as well of those of their patients. Both Margaret and Chen have continued to learn new techniques and further broaden their knowledge of health and well-being.
Chiropractic continues to be a passion for the entire team, and they have traveled the world to bring you the latest and most up to date information, resources and techniques for optimal health.

Mission Statement
“We, at Discover Chiropractic Centre, have a moral responsibility to educate and inspire as many people and families towards optimal health and wellness through natural chiropractic care.
We will accomplish this as each one of us grows through contribution of our services, love of our practice members and celebration of our personal achievements.
We will serve the best interests of all those who seek us as an integral part of their health care and family’s well-being.
We will accomplish our mission by being a dedicated, passionate and energetic team and through becoming courageous leaders and better communicators.
We will help save lives and share the chiropractic message with family, friends and all others who wish to learn and grow with us.
We will change any objectives or goals that no longer meet these requirements to ones that do. We understand this is a never ending process.
This is the Discover Chiropractic way and we are committed to it.”
Recent Articles
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